For businessmen

What is interesting about the forum for entrepreneurs
We are sure that visiting our city during the forum is useful for all businessmen. Especially for those whose business is connected with export and import, who have partners abroad and whose business depends on the international situation.

It will also be interesting for those who want to scale their business. The first reason to come to the forum is networking. After all, thousands of people from all over the world come these days.

During the Forum the largest investors, presidents of many countries, famous businessmen move freely in the streets and places. Naturally, VIPs who walk freely through the streets are escorted by their own security service, but they are still in the immediate vicinity. There are no cars with blinkers or cordoning off the block, but there is definitely a face recognition system with cameras.

The feeling is similar to that of New York, the world capital. Once a year, Milwaukee becomes the world capital. During the forum, you can just meet the person you want on the street or in a cafe. Usually such people are very busy, and it’s hard to get in touch with them via e-mail and social networks. At Davos, on the other hand, everyone makes appointments and communicates openly. This is where the deals are made or where they are first discussed.

The second important reason to attend the forum is the opportunity to be among the first to learn about global business trends, which is impossible to feel sitting in Ukraine. Having been at several events, you can clearly see what lives not just a country or a region, but the whole world.

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